
Dr. Surya Harefa 

(Researcher at the Faith and Culture Center of Tokyo Christian University)

Cooperative Pastor at Ibaraki Bible Church

Current Research Topic

Kuyper's Ecclesiology 

Hitotsubashi University (B.Comm)

Tokyo Christian Theological Seminary (M.Div)

International Reformed Evangelical Seminary (Th.M)

TU Kampen  (M.A and Ph.D)

Academic Works

"Yasukuni Shrine, Japanese Christian Responses, and a Kuyperian Ecclesiological Perspective," Unio Cum Christo 7 (April 2021), 95-112. 

"First Rooted, Then Grounded: The Position of The Church Institution in Kuyper’s Ecclesiology," Verbum Christi 7 (April 2020), 25-40. 

”A Free Church in a Free State: The Possibilities of Abraham Kuyper's Ecclesiology for Japanese Evangelical Christians,” PhD diss., Theological University Kampen, 2020. 

"Resistance to Japanese Nationalism: Christian Responses to Proposed Constitutional Amendments in Japan," Evangelical Review of Theology 43 (4), 330-344. 

"Yasukuni Shrine, Japanese Christian Responses, and a Kuyperian Ecclesiological Perspective"

"First Rooted, Then Grounded: The Position of The Church Institution in Kuyper’s Ecclesiology"

"Resistance to Japanese Nationalism: Christian Responses to Proposed Constitutional Amendments in Japan" 

Dissertation: A Free Church in A Free State

Junggi Kim (MA)

 (promovendus TU Kampen)

Current Research Topic

Kuyper's View on Christian Participation 

in Public Domain and its Practice 


Soongsil University, Mass Communication (B.A.)

Soongsil University, Biblical Theological Study (M.A)

TU Kampen, Intercultural Theology (M.A.)

TU Kampen, History (Promovendus)

Academic Works

Thesis: Junzi(君子) of Confucianism and Neo-Calvinism Christian Theology Suggesting Neo-Calvinistic Journalism Ethics to Journalists who live in Confucian Culture


티네커 메이어의 인생교실

(Tineke Meijer's Reformed Life Class)


(Seumbooks, Seoul, Korea)

David Krisanto (M.div)

(promovendus VU Amsterdam)

Current Research Topic

“God and Tolerance: Appropriating Abraham Kuyper to Religious Pluralism in Indonesia”


Harvest International Theological Seminary, Bachelor of Theology


Asian Center for Theological Studies and Mission, Master of Divinity


VU Amsterdam, Public Theology (Promovendus)

Academic Experience

Lecturer of Theology, Arastamar Evangelical Seminary Jakarta

Research Coordinator (part-time), Harvest International Theological Seminary


“Iman Kristen dan Ranah Publik: Sketsa Pemikiran Abraham Kuyper,” in Epigraphe: Jurnal Teologi

dan Pelayanan Kristiani, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2021): 38-48. DOI:

“Is the Creation under Destruction?: Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck on New Creation,”

in Jurnal Veritas: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan, Vol.19, No. 2 (2020): 189-200. DOI:

“Kuyper’s Sphere Sovereignty and Institutional Religious Freedom,” Verbum et Ecclesia 44.1, a2613. DOI:

“Fish in Faith: Exploring Symbol as Survival Strategies in Christianity,” Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama dan Lintas Budaya Vol. 6, No. 3: 293-304

“Revitalizing Worship in the Post-Pandemic Church: Towards a Liturgy of Thanksgiving,” Manna Rafflesia 8 (2): 685-705.

“Natural Theology and Its Relevance to Religious Pluralism in Indonesia,” Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat Vol. 6, No. 1: 1-9.

“Triangulating the Foundations of Kuyperian Spirituality,” Indonesian Journal of Theology 9 (2): 150-167. DOI: